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Elements Truffles Sea Salt Chocolate Bar

$6.99 2 Oz / 56 gms

Mineral-rich golden spice chocolate. This low-sugar Ayurveda-inspired bar is refined sugar-free, lightly sweetened with local, raw honey. It features 70% cacao content, is infused with super spice turmeric, and dusted with sea salt sourced from Cervia, a small town on Italy’s Adriatic coast.

Enjoy the complementary combination of mineral-rich sea salt and lightly sweetened creamy, dark chocolate. This handmade, artisanal bar is infused with organic turmeric root powder, balancing to all three doshas.

• Chocolate—also called cacao in its purest state—is one of nature’s richest sources of antioxidants that helps combat free radicals and buffers the effects of stress, pollutants, and other toxins. It is also a good source of magnesium, and contains fiber, protein, potassium and iron.
• Turmeric—an Ayurvedic all-star spice—has been traditionally used to help purify the blood, promote healthy lungs, circulation, and nerves. This powerful root is chock-full of antioxidants, and supports the immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems.
• Raw, unheated honey has been celebrated in Ayurveda since ancient times for its myriad health benefits. It’s broad spectrum nutrients include amino acids, minerals, and enzymes. It’s an easily digested energy source, benefits the respiratory system, and aids digestion.
• Raw, plant-based. Free from: refined sugar, dairy, preservatives, and soy/emulsifiers.

Organic raw cacao butter, raw honey, organic raw cacao powder, organic turmeric root powder, sea salt, Himalayan pink salt

Snap a piece and savor melt-in-your-mouth dark chocolate whenever you need a dose of healthy decadence.


  • Key Ingredients
  • Formula
  • Origin

• Organic Raw Cacao Butter: Used in Ayurveda for its potential to promote heart health and boost energy.
• Organic Turmeric Root Powder: Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in Ayurveda.
• Raw Honey: Used for its potential health benefits and soothing properties in Ayurvedic remedies.
• Himalayan Pink Salt: Used in Ayurveda for its mineral content and balancing properties.

Unlike many conventional chocolate bars sweetened with refined sugar, and laden with vegetable oil, emulsifiers, artificial flavors, and other undesirable ingredients, this Ayurveda-inspired Sea Salt with Turmeric bar has a short list of high-quality ingredients that are carefully selected for their health benefits while contributing delicious flavor.

Elements Truffles raw, organic, and fair trade cacao is sourced from Ecuador and handmade in micro-batches by meditators.

Founded by Wall Street trader turned artisanal chocolatier, Alak Vasa was inspired by his meditation and yoga practice to create a conscious chocolate company. Partnering with Fair Trade manufacturers, Elements Truffles selects superherbs, pure essential oils, and other clean ingredients for their unique, Ayurveda-inspired chocolate, bringing balance and simplicity to your lifestyle.

Carefully made in micro-batches by meditators, they’re committed to producing the highest-quality products—free from refined sugar and preservatives—that do good for the mind, body, and community. 25% of profits support underprivileged children in tribal areas of India.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sea Salt Chocolate Bar

Sea Salt Chocolate Bar

$6.99  | 2 Oz / 56 gms

Sea Salt Chocolate Bar

$6.99  | 2 Oz / 56 gms