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Pitta Balancing Body Oil

Bazaar Diamond

PRATIMA Skincare Pitta Balancing Body Oil


From our collection of dosha Herbal Body Oils, this soothing recipe is ideal for Pitta skin types. Featuring a replenishing blend of shatavari, sandalwood, and brahmi with pure essential oils of rose and jasmine, this cooling formula nourishes and balances the look of your skin. Apply with even strokes to nurture the skin.

This multi-functional formula is an ideal body oil for massage and for combination and sensitive skin. Can also be used as a natural bath oil, to massage face pressure points, and remove makeup before cleansing.

PRATIMA Herbal Body Oils are essential skincare for the vitality and radiance of the body’s external tissue. With a molecular density similar to the skin, these pure, herbal body oil blends penetrate through all 7 layers of the skin to provide vital nutrients that nourish, hydrate, and calm the skin. The nurturing, devotional act of applying pure, herbal oils to the body is a cherished, time-honored ritual in Ayurveda. It is no coincidence that sneha, the Sanskrit word for love, comes from snehana, the Ayurvedic ritual of oleation.

What is Pitta dosha and Pitta type skin?

In Ayurveda, Pitta dosha is the combination of fire and water energies. When out of balance, Pitta type skin can manifest as clogged pores, temportay redness, and sensitive skin.

*Pratima products available to US customers only


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Pitta Balancing Body Oil

Pitta Balancing Body Oil


Pitta Balancing Body Oil
